Monday, April 5, 2010

Driving in Nice Weather

To my future teenage boys (and anyone else who want to hear it):

An important lesson I would like to teach my children when they start driving is to of course, always be careful. But even more important, be extra careful when the weather becomes nice.

Something my father taught me as a teenager when i started driving was to really watch the people around you on the road when it's sunny and nice out. I would like to pass this lesson on.

Something happens to us behind that wheel, and I am not excluding myself, when the weather suddenly turns nice after a bad winter. We get that natural high of endorphins rushing through us when we can finally roll down all of our car windows, turn our radio up, and let that cool, sunny breeze rush through our hair, especially after a nasty, cooped up Winter. We get so wrapped up in the moment that we become a little less aware of what is going on around us. I have witnessed this first hand every time Spring rolls around ever since I started driving in 1992. It happens like clockwork. I will see people in traffic taking dumb chances,speeding,or making dumb moves just because they are feeling so good cruising along in the nice weather.

I think, even though the conditions are obviously more hazardous for driving in the Winter or in the rain, people are way more careful. They're more mindful of their surroundings and driving the speed limit because the weather leaves them no other choice. It's the nice weather you have to watch out for on the road.

Don't get me wrong, I love to roll my windows down and pump my music up on a nice day as much as they next guy. But nice days are the days that we should be extra careful, because most likely there's someone else on the road feeling the weather too, not paying quite as much attention as they should be.