Friday, May 28, 2010


For the past year or so, I've taken to reading books much more than I ever have.

I resisted it for so many years I think probably because growing up, my parents stressed it's importance so often. Me not reading was some sort of misplaced youthful rebellion that carried on into adulthood out of habit.

But times change and now I find it very entertaining. I like forming the pictures in my mind of what I am reading, rather than have it spoonfed to me.

I am also enjoying reading books recommended to me by other people, that is, people whose opinion I value. I find it fascinating to take in through my own eyes what that person already has, and I believe it makes you and the person more relatable and compatible, whether you enjoy their recommendation or not.

Reading, for me, and I'm gonna get a huge "I Told You So." from my dad on this, has made me a better writer. At least I think so anyway. I'm finding more clarity when I am writing here, in my rap lyrics, or even in the social networking scene.

I know I am just preaching to the choir to people who already know the joys of reading, but for me, at age 33, this is a revelation. I am finding a certain inner peace when I am sitting outside, with no sound but neighborhood kids and birds in the background and I am lost in a story.

Ultimately, I believe I am loving reading because it's always been difficult for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, and I think it helps to tame my self diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

From The Morning

Sometimes a song just hits you, relaxes you, and gives you peace of mind. This one does that as well as stirs some emotions for me, happy and sad.

Here are the lyrics:

From The Morning-Nick Drake

A day once dawned, and it was beautiful
A day once dawned from the ground
Then the night she fell
And the air was beautiful
The night she fell all around

So look see the days
The endless coloured ways
Go play the game that you learnt
From the morning

And now we rise
And we are everywhere
And now we rise from the ground
And see, she flies
And she is everywhere
And see, she flies all around

So look see the sights
The endless summer nights
And go play the game that you learnt
From the morning

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Everything Happens For A Reason"

I hear this cliche' thrown around a lot, but I really do not believe in the popular saying 'everything happens for a reason.'

Good or bad, shit just happens.

Sure, bad things that happen can open doors for good things to happen, but it can also be the other way around. Every event that happens in life leads to other events. Imagine the day you were conceived(if you dare). If one of your parents had made one slightly different move that day, you may not be here today to read this incredibly insightful blog. :-)

The point is, I hear this cliche used a lot when people are trying to console someone else after a bad turn of events for that person. And if it makes someone feel better about matters, then by all means, I'm not taking that away from anyone. I'm not writing this with some jaded attitude, I'm merely pointing out that I don't think there are any magical forces at work in the atmosphere. We create what happens with the choices that we make.

If you get fired from a job, then get hired for a better one down the line, some people will say "See? Everything happens for a reason." But how about you just got fired (fair or not), and you applied yourself heavily and got hired for a better one?

Are you going to tell me that if my town gets anniahlated by a hurricane, a natural, uncontrollable weather occurrence, that there was a reason for that? My house is in shambles and people are hurt or killed and I am supposed to find some underlying goodness to it? No, this happened, now I have to react to it. How we respond is really the thing that is under our control.

There doesn't always have to be a reason, or some underlying, uncontrollable force at work in the air. As much as I'd like to believe that, it is not reality. We make our own opportunities. We work to get what we get.

Hypothetically, what if you divorce from someone and someone tells you "everything happens for a reason."? But then nothing good really ever comes from it? What was the 'reason' for that? Maybe it awakens another part of your soul and you get involved in activities and meet friends whom you never would have met if you hadn't of divorced. But is that a magical force or a natural occurrence of events that you yourself made happen?

Hey, I'm all for quips and cliches if they help you get through something horrific. But I do think sometimes that someone going through something awful may not want to hear that there was a reason for it.

I'm sure I am in the minority, but to me, good or bad, stuff just happens. That's just how life is.