Thursday, September 18, 2008 busboys in a restaurant.

The Richard Dreyfuss character in one of my favorite movies, "Stand By Me" narrated "It happens sometimes. Friends come in and out of our lives like busboys in a restaurant."

How true. You never really put it into perspective until you leave somewhere or someone else leaves somewhere where they were normally.

We had a co-worker leave today after 12 years here. Although I only knew her for the almost 3 years I have been here and we only ever really crossed paths, her on her way out and myself on my way in, it was still a little sad.

But it also makes you realize how quickly some people, who are usually there, can be gone the next minute. Is it sad if you don't really know them that well? Maybe not to the point of tears, but I think it demonstrates a true, yet melancholy fact of life. Friends , co-workers, etc. do drift in and out of your life. Someone you are best friends with for a long period of time could be someone you are reduced to just having small talk with, maybe twice a year, a little down the line.

It just seems weird to me I suppose. Sometimes if a co-worker leaves a job, and you never see them outside of work, it's probably going to be the last time you will ever see that person again in your life. Your absolute best friend in high school could now possibly have no clue where you live or what you do. That's strange to me. But, that's life.

In conclusion, if there is any point to be summoned from this blog, I think it's that it makes you feel glad for the people in your life who will always be constant,or are at least supposed to be constant, such as a wife, children, parents, brothers, sisters, etc.

I have been lucky to have remained close with a few elementary school friends, and to still hang out with a group of high school friends regularly. But casual acquaintances, co-workers, and the like, well, it's anybody's guess.

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