Wednesday, October 1, 2008



1. Here in Baltimore, we have a news anchor named Mary Rubala. Doesn't that last name sound like some kind of virus? ("this just in, a Rubala virus outbreak infects over half the passengers on...")

2. Doesn't it seem like more than half of white trash/rednecks you see out there always seem to be wearing some sort of wrist brace or cast? Why is that? (i'm serious, watch cops, they almost always have some sort of arm sling, wrist brace, or cast)

3. Do people actually think it is their actual weight when they weigh themselves right after a workout?

4. Doesn't it seem, the way some people look at the automatic checkout screen at a grocery store and take forever, that you'd need some sort of M.I.T. engineering degree to operate it?

5. Why do some families bring their 2 year old child into a Rated R movie? Really, has your 2 year old been talking nonstop about how he is just dying to see "Knocked Up"?

6. Why do people ask for a bag at a convenience store to carry a tiny bag of chips that already come in a bag?

7. How do the elderly, tractor trailers with huge cranes loaded on them, soccer moms in minivans, or 15 year old driver's ed kids always seem to get at the front of the traffic line?

8. Ladies, what's with the skirts and tennis shoes look?

9. Why do people look for platonic friends on craigslist?

10. How come I can manage to get my body in better shape as I get older but my hairline can't seem to do the same?

11. How come every time I choose to go to the grocery store I wind up going when there are 50-60 other people there doing their next 3 months worth of shopping? And why do I always get stuck behind them in line when all I have is a basket?

12. How come in a crowded parking lot, while looking for a space, if I actually do spot someone walking to their car to leave and I can then have their spot, that person always seems to be parked in the furthest away spot possible?

13. Why do sports fans watching a game high five each other when their team scores or makes a good play like they had something to do with it?

14. How come no one can ever find their bottle opener?

15. How come to this day, I can sing along perfectly to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" (a song popular in 1988) and not miss a word, but I can't recall a conversation I had with someone last week?

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