Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween/Birthday '08

Tonight was the closest thing I think I could come to reliving my youth at Halloween.

We took the kids out and made our usual rounds to grandparents houses first, but then when we came home we took the kids from house to house and our street was buzzing.

It hasn't seemed like this in previous years. Trick or treating turnouts seemed to have lulled year by year as I have gotten a little older. Maybe it was because Halloween fell on a Friday this year. That could totally be it. It was also a little nicer out.

It was the perfect fall night. It was perfect sweatshirt weather with that crisp smell in the air of a burning fireplace, that smell that just equals Halloween. It reminded me of being a kid again.

Our streets were crowded with kids in crazy costumes running all over, candy bags being flung from lawn to lawn, and parents yelling "say trick or treat" and "say thank you". People were out on their porches entertaining, and a few houses had little haunted house lawns set up. It just seemed like folks really went all out this year, which was cool to me. Everyone was friendly to each other, and it was like one big block party. Like I said, I don't remember the neighborhood streets being abuzz like this since I was a kid.

Sure, that excitement is not quite there about it being Halloween like when you're a kid. But tonight, for me, had to be the closest thing to it.

And as I get ready to turn another year older tomorrow, this was defintely a cool feeling, perhaps a small gift to share with myself and my family. I'm not saying it was any big deal, it was just cool.

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