Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Where's the Tylenol?!

I haven't written in a while. It was Halloween the last time I pulled this up and now Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is upon us.

But even though I haven't written a lot has been going on.

I had my 32nd birthday and I'm trying to find the fun in getting older as much as I can, but still somedays you just long for the care free days of being in your 20's. That's just human nature though.

We went to Disney World for vacation. I was skeptical, plus afraid to fly but I sucked it up. The flight was okay, once we were up there I was fine. I feel like I conquered a fear, but at the same time the thought of flying still doesn't get me too jazzed. But that's just what you have to do sometimes to get out of dodge. And trust me, everybody needs to get out of dodge once in a while. Vacations = keeping sanity.

The wife, kids and I had a blast in Disney World. It was a different type of vacation than I am used to, but a pleasant and rewarding time none the less. The Orlando weather and our hotel alone were enough to satisfy me, but the Disney parks are a good time. I think I understand the "magic" people who love Disney talk about.

When we got back from Disney we were greeted by the newest member of our family, a new puppy. He has been a loving and fun addition to our house, but definitely an adjustment.

Things get hectic in our household, I have to say. Family is a lot of work. But there is also a lot of love in our household that makes the hard work worth it.

For that I was thankful on Thanksgiving. I have to thank my wife for making delicous cinnamon buns for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning which kept my portion control in line when it came time for the big meal that day.

And we were able to keep our family artificial tree in the family instead of retiring it! We put the tree up last weekend in preparation for Christmas time, for which I have always been a big softy.

So there's my last couple of months in a nutshell. I know anxious readers out there were dying for the scoop :-).

"Merry Christmas! Holy shit! Where's the tylenol?!" -Clark Griswold

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