Monday, October 20, 2008


This morning I arose to fill in for somebody at work and their 5:45-2:15 shift.


Forget the fact that you basically have to settle in the night before and try to be in bed at 9pm like an 8 year old, but waking up while it is still dark out? Well, it's hard for me to figure out how some people find pleasure in that.

Oh yeah, to top that all off it's Monday.

But, I am coming off a quiet (as quiet as one can get with a 6 and 4 year old in the house) weekend home with the family. I didn't even crack open one cocktail, and I didn't sleep in either day. I just watched movies, visited my folks, played with the kids, and spent time with my wife.

It was a refreshing weekend. Again, I have to feel thankful and cherish the days. However, one thing I do not cherish, is waking up at 4:45am to be to work by 5:45am.

One thing I do notice, however, waking up this early and having your day start before most people's, is that my mind feels a little crisper (after coffee of course) and a little more creative. Maybe I'll take advantage of it and write something. Or maybe I'll lay my head down and wish 2:15 would hurry up.

Have a good week, everybody.

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