Thursday, October 2, 2008

Restored Faith

Life can make you jaded sometimes. Sometimes, through all the frustrations, minor and major inconveniences, and nastiness in the world you can grow a genuine distaste for humanity. But just when I think I have lost all hope and faith in my fellow man, just whenI have been cut off in traffic by someone on a cellphone one too many times, or when I hear about one too many senseless crimes where innocent people lose their lives, someone will surprise you.

It's a shame that it has to be a surprise, but today, my hope in humanity is restored.

I found myself in quite the quandary today of this Saturday being one of my Saturdays to work. My wife and I had had some miscommunication about the date of an imporant event for our son, who has a slight developmental disability. The event is actually a charity walk for that disability. But I had completely forgotten I had to work.

So, frantically, I scrambled at the last minute trying to find a sub for my Saturday shift, thinking of course, no one will want to do it, especially in this short notice. Plus, who likes to work Saturdays? Then I asked myself, if it was me they were asking, would I do it?

All of a sudden, an employee from another one of our sites, whom I don't know very well at all, offered to cover for me. Actually, she said she'd "be glad to" and to "enjoy the charity walk", and didn't even want me to take one of her Saturdays in return (we all rotate a Saturday shifts).

I consider this person a savior of sorts. She saved me for this Saturday,allowing me to attend this important event with my family, and she also saved my all but lost sense of hope and faith in humanity. The selflessness and kindness she showed truly amazed me, especially in a day and age where it seems like everyone is just out for self.

It reminded me of this quote:

"Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky." -Ojibwe saying


Although she will probably never read this, I want to send out my utmost gratitude to this person.

Thanks, T.K.

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