Friday, October 10, 2008

Alexander Supertramp

This weekend we are going on a camping trip. It's not something I am too excited about. I've been camping a couple of times and decided it wasn't for me. But the wife and kids are excited about it so I'm just going to have to suck it up. I've always been more of a beach guy.

I'm sure, once I get there it'll be fun. I like being outdoors in nice weather, and I'm hoping to get in a great jog on one of the nature trails they have.

I've just never really been the 'outsdoorsy' type. Camping is not something we did in my family growing up. It is something my wife did in hers. So, really, it's just like what kind of milk you drink. If you grew up with skim milk you drink skim milk, if you grew up with whole milk you drink whole milk. Odd reference, I know, but I think it fits. It really is true that how you were raised makes a big impact on the things you do as an adult. No one way is better than another, it's just different strokes for different folks.

Of course, this blog's title, if you know what it means, is sarcasm. We are staying at a camping "resort", which I think just means they have a lake and lots of amenities. Alexander Supertramp was the alias of a young wayward wanderer who died in the wilderness of Alaska. He was living a life of solitude in the wild trying to survive on berries and whatever he could hunt. In the end, living off the land didn't suit him. They made an interesting movie about him called "Into the Wild". So really, guys like me just watch movies about guys like him.

Anyway, I'm nervous and excited at the same time to be out of my element for a couple of days. I think it's important to stray from beyond your 'element' even if you really don't want to. I think opening up your world a bit gives you more character. I don't open up my world too often, so this will be interesting.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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