Monday, October 20, 2008

The Return of Alexander Supertramp

I really can't complain too much about the camping trip. I was surrounded by a crisp fire, good friends, good food and drink, and beautiful weather. This is more than a lot of people have in their lives, so I feel thankful.

Packing, unpacking, and then packing is a bitch when camping, I will say that. There's so much you have to remember to bring when you camp. Stuffing the car to the gills while you argue with your spouse about "what can fit where" and "do we really need to bring that?" is not so fun, but par for the course. (for marriage and a camping trip --smile--)

But aside for that, it pales in comparison to the nice feeling I had Saturday afternoon. After a good jog and a shower, I sat. I read a chapter of a book, did a crossword puzzle, bullcrapped with friends by a fire, watched kids play, all by a fire in 72 degree sunny weather. A few beers and a bocci ball game later, I settled in for a chilly night's sleep in the tent.

I woke up feeling glad that I went, but also glad to go back home to indoor plumbing and my own bed.

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