Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alert the media!

Stop the presses! Damon has started a blog!

That was sarcasm. What I mean by that is, who really cares? Is anyone really going to read this?

Oh well, I have been inspired by a few people who have blogs and I decided to start my own. I realized that the ones I write on my myspace page probably never get read. I don't know why I think doing them here will change that, but whatever. I have come to realize that my brain needs some sort of creative outlet and the technology of the 21st century is allowing me to have one.

Some blogs will be repeats of ones I have had on myspace, as I just want to have them all in one spot. So excuse me if you happen to be reading one and you say "hey I have read this one before". Just move on to the next one if this is the case.

Let me start by explaining the title of my blog. 'Ville Street Blues is the title of a hip hop song I recorded back in '02. It was on a double cd that I recorded in a makeshift radio studio and distributed locally to friends and whoever for 5 bucks a pop. It was just for fun. As you can see, I never made it big :). I just really loved to write hip hop. That was the most popular song among my friends on my cd. It was a jam all about reminiscing to the old days for me with the theme to 'Hill Street Blues dubbed into the beat, and I was saying I had the blues because I wish I had those days back sometimes. The ville is slang for Catonsville. I am originally from Westview Park, but anything 21228 is Catonsville to me.

Anyway, this song title just sort of embodies me, and I thought was good as the name of my blog. I'm just a random 30 something from Catonsville and here are my "blues", gripes, random thoughts, musings, emotions on paper, whatever .

I haven't written much hip hop since. In '04 I had enough songs to make a new cd but I really just lost my motivation to record anymore. I don't know where it went. I just sort of lost that fire inside of me concerning it. Maybe getting older and wiser had something to do with it. I lost my desire to be misogynistic and foul in my lyrics. Maybe that's a good thing. The truth is the mindstate I had when I recorded those songs for that album is totally gone now, well, all except for "ville street blues".

These days I am a family man with a lovely wife and two wonderful stepchildren who I consider to be my sons now. I work in the fitness business as a personal trainer/fitness specialist.

I suppose you could call it ironic (is that the word? I never seem to know when or how to use that word) that I became a personal trainer after growing up as a chubby kid and teenager. But maybe that's why I wanted to get in this business. More on that in later blogs maybe.

Thanks for visiting my new blog. I hope you enjoy future posts.

Peace and love,

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