Tuesday, August 19, 2008


"Come Monday, it'll be all right..." -Jimmy Buffett

Mondays are probably my most unfavorite day of the week. I'm sure the same goes for almost everyone else in the world.

Monday mornings always seem to come too fast.

I'm usually very sleepy from not enough sleep the night before because I tend to get thrown off my sleep schedule a tad from sleeping in on the weekend, so it's the hardest day of the week for me to get out of bed. If I had a nickel for every time the alarm went off Monday and I considered calling in sick to work I'd be a very rich man. But I never do. You just tough it out and realize that the day ahead is not going to be as fun as say a Friday would.

My joints are usually achy from a Saturday full of activity and numb from a Sunday full of doing nothing. In general, I don't think this is news to anyone out there (aside for the retired or maybe a rock star), Mondays are just kind of blah.

Some people say "Mondays are great! You have the whole week ahead of you!"
More power to them, I just don't really share this sentiment. I personally would rather have the weekend ahead of me.

However the one gift I think Mondays give us are the good chance to reflect. Mondays offer us the opportunity to reflect on the previous weekend. Sure you can reflect on your past weekend on a Tuesday too but on Mondays it's fresher in our minds.

This past weekend I did nothing extravagant, but I was able to spend time relaxing with good friends and family. What more could anyone ask for?

I have a loving wife who makes us a wonderful home with her incredible eye for design. She has also allowed me to be a dad to her two wonderful (albeit crazy :)) young boys.

I have a great sister who is just starting the newlywed life in an exciting city with a guy who I already consider to be a brother.

I have a mom who would do anything for me and a dad with a bum hip, but who is doing fairly well considering, and I know the future holds better days for him.

I have a brother-in-law who has just gotten engaged to be married, and I'm excited for him as he enters this exciting (yet hectic) stage of his life.

We were blessed with beautiful weather (in August?) and I was able to go out and jog a course I had never been able to complete before, but did so this time with flying colors. Ten years ago I would have probably passed out on this run and it dawned on me, I'm in better shape at 31 than I was at 21. I don't mean that to toot my own horn at all, but that does make me feel good about myself.

And I have a fun and reliable group of friends who allow me to vent out some of life's minor frustrations over a cocktail or two.

So, yeah Mondays suck. But the one redeeming quality they offer you is the chance to reflect with everything fresh in your mind. In conclusion, even with all of my complaining, on this particular Monday, I have had the chance to realize what a lucky man that I am.
Tuesday however, is a whole different story. Don't get me started.

Peace and Love,

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