Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Amongst all the drama of everyday life, there come certain moments when everything is just right. Sometimes you hit a moment where everything is so clear, peaceful and serene that you just have to grab onto it and savor it.

Pardon my corniness for a moment, however I just feel like I need to write about this, because one day my kids are going to grow up and I am going to want them to know this when they're old enough to understand it. Hopefully, I'll still be around to attempt to even explain it to them, but even so, I can't say I'll remember what was on my mind at this moment. This is one of those messages I just want to leave with people.

One particular instance was on my honeymoon cruise ship. My wife was taking a cat nap in our cabin, so I set out onto the ship to let her get some quiet. I just toured the ship, trying to savor how great a time I was having. I ventured into this theater, where they do their stage shows and musicals, etc. The place was empty because it was late afternoon and nothing was going on in there yet. Granted, I was reeling from the pleasure of being on a cruise, but I was in awe of how large the theater was for a cruise ship and how it was designed. A song was playing in the background, and I just sat. That's it, I grabbed a seat and sat for a moment, listening to the song, pondering everything I had seen so far during the honeymoon, the beautiful sites and different places we went that I had never been. The song playing was John Mayer's "Clarity", I didn't even know the title of the song or what it was called then, I just knew I liked it. And I sat. It was peaceful, quiet, and for those few minutes, I had nothing in my mind but peace. For those few minutes there were no bills, no work, and no drama.

It probably doesn't sound like much, but that's the best I can explain it. It's hard to put these moments into words, as they are more just moment you experience in your mind, just you and your surroundings is all you need for those few minutes.

One more moment I had like this was this past Saturday afternoon. It was a gorgeous day out (this was before it started raining :) and I had just gotten out of the shower, because I had went for a jog. It was my favorite day of the week, I was anticipating a fun party later that night, I felt great on my jog, the windows were open with a gentle breeze flowing in, and my wife and kids were in the house, happy and healthy. It was about the closest thing to a natural high you can get. I am sure the endorphins from the long run and the rare nice weather helped, however it was one of those same kind of moments I had had on the cruise ship. I got in my car and drove up the street to grab some lunch for my wife and I with the windows down. I just felt great. Everything was fine for those moments. I clicked on my cd player and what song came on but "Clarity" by John Mayer. It wasn't so random that it was on the radio, but it was on a cd I had made already in my cd player. I'm not saying that the song has anything to do with it, though I do like it, but hearing it made me think of the parallels to the time on the cruise. Sometimes, things just fall the right way.

I think it's important to recognize these moments when they come. Many folks probably experience them in different ways on different days. But they make you feel thankful for everything you have in your life.

I want to get this message across to whomever hasn't stopped reading this blog by now because they thought it was too corny. And more importantly, I want my kids to read this when they are fully grown adults. When they have experienced the pressure of everyday life with work, bills, traffic jams, world tragedy,etc. I want them to come read this and try to remember that these euphoric moments do come, don't fret. You don't need a drug, a massage, a million dollars, etc. to experience these moments of euphoria. Anyone can have them. They are what makes living life great. The key is recognizing them, and savoring them, even if it's just for a few minutes.

I mean sure, a little nice weather, what day of the week it is, or being a vacation helps, but really, you can't predict these moments. So when they come, take a deep breath, and be glad for everything you have to be glad about. For as much tragedy and drama there is in the world, there is beauty.

If you feel like you have nothing to be glad about, well you're probably not looking hard enough, but at least be glad you're here. Because that there is enough sometimes. These moments of clarity will show you.

"I worry, I weigh three times my body
I worry, I throw my fear around
But this morning, there's a calm I can't explain
Rock candy's melted, only diamonds now remain..."

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