Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween/Birthday '08

Tonight was the closest thing I think I could come to reliving my youth at Halloween.

We took the kids out and made our usual rounds to grandparents houses first, but then when we came home we took the kids from house to house and our street was buzzing.

It hasn't seemed like this in previous years. Trick or treating turnouts seemed to have lulled year by year as I have gotten a little older. Maybe it was because Halloween fell on a Friday this year. That could totally be it. It was also a little nicer out.

It was the perfect fall night. It was perfect sweatshirt weather with that crisp smell in the air of a burning fireplace, that smell that just equals Halloween. It reminded me of being a kid again.

Our streets were crowded with kids in crazy costumes running all over, candy bags being flung from lawn to lawn, and parents yelling "say trick or treat" and "say thank you". People were out on their porches entertaining, and a few houses had little haunted house lawns set up. It just seemed like folks really went all out this year, which was cool to me. Everyone was friendly to each other, and it was like one big block party. Like I said, I don't remember the neighborhood streets being abuzz like this since I was a kid.

Sure, that excitement is not quite there about it being Halloween like when you're a kid. But tonight, for me, had to be the closest thing to it.

And as I get ready to turn another year older tomorrow, this was defintely a cool feeling, perhaps a small gift to share with myself and my family. I'm not saying it was any big deal, it was just cool.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This morning I arose to fill in for somebody at work and their 5:45-2:15 shift.


Forget the fact that you basically have to settle in the night before and try to be in bed at 9pm like an 8 year old, but waking up while it is still dark out? Well, it's hard for me to figure out how some people find pleasure in that.

Oh yeah, to top that all off it's Monday.

But, I am coming off a quiet (as quiet as one can get with a 6 and 4 year old in the house) weekend home with the family. I didn't even crack open one cocktail, and I didn't sleep in either day. I just watched movies, visited my folks, played with the kids, and spent time with my wife.

It was a refreshing weekend. Again, I have to feel thankful and cherish the days. However, one thing I do not cherish, is waking up at 4:45am to be to work by 5:45am.

One thing I do notice, however, waking up this early and having your day start before most people's, is that my mind feels a little crisper (after coffee of course) and a little more creative. Maybe I'll take advantage of it and write something. Or maybe I'll lay my head down and wish 2:15 would hurry up.

Have a good week, everybody.

The Return of Alexander Supertramp

I really can't complain too much about the camping trip. I was surrounded by a crisp fire, good friends, good food and drink, and beautiful weather. This is more than a lot of people have in their lives, so I feel thankful.

Packing, unpacking, and then packing is a bitch when camping, I will say that. There's so much you have to remember to bring when you camp. Stuffing the car to the gills while you argue with your spouse about "what can fit where" and "do we really need to bring that?" is not so fun, but par for the course. (for marriage and a camping trip --smile--)

But aside for that, it pales in comparison to the nice feeling I had Saturday afternoon. After a good jog and a shower, I sat. I read a chapter of a book, did a crossword puzzle, bullcrapped with friends by a fire, watched kids play, all by a fire in 72 degree sunny weather. A few beers and a bocci ball game later, I settled in for a chilly night's sleep in the tent.

I woke up feeling glad that I went, but also glad to go back home to indoor plumbing and my own bed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Alexander Supertramp

This weekend we are going on a camping trip. It's not something I am too excited about. I've been camping a couple of times and decided it wasn't for me. But the wife and kids are excited about it so I'm just going to have to suck it up. I've always been more of a beach guy.

I'm sure, once I get there it'll be fun. I like being outdoors in nice weather, and I'm hoping to get in a great jog on one of the nature trails they have.

I've just never really been the 'outsdoorsy' type. Camping is not something we did in my family growing up. It is something my wife did in hers. So, really, it's just like what kind of milk you drink. If you grew up with skim milk you drink skim milk, if you grew up with whole milk you drink whole milk. Odd reference, I know, but I think it fits. It really is true that how you were raised makes a big impact on the things you do as an adult. No one way is better than another, it's just different strokes for different folks.

Of course, this blog's title, if you know what it means, is sarcasm. We are staying at a camping "resort", which I think just means they have a lake and lots of amenities. Alexander Supertramp was the alias of a young wayward wanderer who died in the wilderness of Alaska. He was living a life of solitude in the wild trying to survive on berries and whatever he could hunt. In the end, living off the land didn't suit him. They made an interesting movie about him called "Into the Wild". So really, guys like me just watch movies about guys like him.

Anyway, I'm nervous and excited at the same time to be out of my element for a couple of days. I think it's important to stray from beyond your 'element' even if you really don't want to. I think opening up your world a bit gives you more character. I don't open up my world too often, so this will be interesting.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Restored Faith

Life can make you jaded sometimes. Sometimes, through all the frustrations, minor and major inconveniences, and nastiness in the world you can grow a genuine distaste for humanity. But just when I think I have lost all hope and faith in my fellow man, just whenI have been cut off in traffic by someone on a cellphone one too many times, or when I hear about one too many senseless crimes where innocent people lose their lives, someone will surprise you.

It's a shame that it has to be a surprise, but today, my hope in humanity is restored.

I found myself in quite the quandary today of this Saturday being one of my Saturdays to work. My wife and I had had some miscommunication about the date of an imporant event for our son, who has a slight developmental disability. The event is actually a charity walk for that disability. But I had completely forgotten I had to work.

So, frantically, I scrambled at the last minute trying to find a sub for my Saturday shift, thinking of course, no one will want to do it, especially in this short notice. Plus, who likes to work Saturdays? Then I asked myself, if it was me they were asking, would I do it?

All of a sudden, an employee from another one of our sites, whom I don't know very well at all, offered to cover for me. Actually, she said she'd "be glad to" and to "enjoy the charity walk", and didn't even want me to take one of her Saturdays in return (we all rotate a Saturday shifts).

I consider this person a savior of sorts. She saved me for this Saturday,allowing me to attend this important event with my family, and she also saved my all but lost sense of hope and faith in humanity. The selflessness and kindness she showed truly amazed me, especially in a day and age where it seems like everyone is just out for self.

It reminded me of this quote:

"Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky." -Ojibwe saying


Although she will probably never read this, I want to send out my utmost gratitude to this person.

Thanks, T.K.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



1. Here in Baltimore, we have a news anchor named Mary Rubala. Doesn't that last name sound like some kind of virus? ("this just in, a Rubala virus outbreak infects over half the passengers on...")

2. Doesn't it seem like more than half of white trash/rednecks you see out there always seem to be wearing some sort of wrist brace or cast? Why is that? (i'm serious, watch cops, they almost always have some sort of arm sling, wrist brace, or cast)

3. Do people actually think it is their actual weight when they weigh themselves right after a workout?

4. Doesn't it seem, the way some people look at the automatic checkout screen at a grocery store and take forever, that you'd need some sort of M.I.T. engineering degree to operate it?

5. Why do some families bring their 2 year old child into a Rated R movie? Really, has your 2 year old been talking nonstop about how he is just dying to see "Knocked Up"?

6. Why do people ask for a bag at a convenience store to carry a tiny bag of chips that already come in a bag?

7. How do the elderly, tractor trailers with huge cranes loaded on them, soccer moms in minivans, or 15 year old driver's ed kids always seem to get at the front of the traffic line?

8. Ladies, what's with the skirts and tennis shoes look?

9. Why do people look for platonic friends on craigslist?

10. How come I can manage to get my body in better shape as I get older but my hairline can't seem to do the same?

11. How come every time I choose to go to the grocery store I wind up going when there are 50-60 other people there doing their next 3 months worth of shopping? And why do I always get stuck behind them in line when all I have is a basket?

12. How come in a crowded parking lot, while looking for a space, if I actually do spot someone walking to their car to leave and I can then have their spot, that person always seems to be parked in the furthest away spot possible?

13. Why do sports fans watching a game high five each other when their team scores or makes a good play like they had something to do with it?

14. How come no one can ever find their bottle opener?

15. How come to this day, I can sing along perfectly to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" (a song popular in 1988) and not miss a word, but I can't recall a conversation I had with someone last week?